Insights and Wisdom

“Ritual is not compatible with the rapid rhythm that industrialism has injected into life.” Ancestor Malidoma patrice Somé

Below, is my writing. I’ve named them Rituals in Writing because my writing has been one of the ways I use words to take up space and tell my own story. Writing is a ritual in practice for me and I make sure to create the right atmosphere for writing by lighting candles or incense and the right playlist. You may. notice some of these noted in my writing at the beginning.

"Until the

lion learns

how to write,

every story

will glorify

the hunter."

Chinua Achebe *

"Until the lion learns how to write, every story will glorify the hunter." Chinua Achebe *

Earth Is My Nature
Nature, Earth connection Kennae Miller Nature, Earth connection Kennae Miller

Earth Is My Nature

“For African Americans especially, these self-care practices were essential for survival during colonization, slavery and Jim Crow.” Michele E. Lee, Working The Root

Earthing became a ritual for me when parenting two small children and supporting four others became overwhelming. I found if I could just go outside to have the personal waking moments with the Earth as she awakened, I would make it through the day. I loved waking up to birds chirping, fresh dew on leaves and blades of grass, blue hues and morning mist all before the sun arose.

But this practice felt natural to me, as natural as hearing an elder after being told someone wasn’t feeling well, “Lay down.” Or “Go outside and get some fresh air,” or when too ill to move too much, “Open up these windows and let some fresh air in!” Earthing and connecting with nature isn’t as ‘new age’ as it appeared since these were practices of my ancestors.

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