What is a Change Invoker?

    So what in the world is a change invoker?

I am not one for titles and designations because to me it has always been a method of separation between people. While it is important to know who the doctor is when you walk into a doctors office, I do not think there is a reason a doctor should be held with more prestige or respect than the stay at home parent or retired grandfather. Humans are worthy of love, dignity and respect because they exist, not because they have proved themselves worthy through classism or elitist ideologies. 

    Well, now that is out of the way I think a change invoker really is anyone who is committed to creating change. Now for me, this means it starts within myself. Have you ever met someone who was disruptive and committed to making noise in other spaces? I am sure we all have. But what have you experienced when you have met a person committed to being disruptive outwardly and unable to hold themselves to the same standards they have for others, for themselves? Cringe, yup we know social media is riddled with it. This is not to say we are perfect and have never been unwilling to change. 

    So boom! I am considered a taurus by my sun sign (stick with me, even if astrology is not your thing) and although we are symbolized by the bull we are often mistaken for being stubborn (I mean we do have our moments). Taureans are also frequently told we hate or resist change (you know supporting that whole, stubborn idea) but that is not exactly correct. Many of us (or in my experience) do not see the logic behind changing something that does not have logical reason to change, we value our time and do not see a reason to fix or change what is already working. BUT if someone (with patience) has been able to show us another way and display logic and not simply emotion behind what they are saying, we have no problem shifting or changing our minds or direction. 

    It could be from my military child upbringing or traumas but I tend to thrive in change and new experiences, it just cannot be for the sake of changing, I need reasoning and not because I want to control it or am fearful. I have learned through challenging my thoughts and conditioning I have been able shift and change in my life in the way of how I see myself and others. Insert change invoker. 

    The work I enjoy doing in the world is providing layers of perspective to encourage others to change, to transform and to be invoked. I want to learn the ins and outs of what I am doing it, why I am doing it, why are we collectively doing what we are doing and where did this practice come from? Does it serve a purpose, are we doing this intentionally or is it because we are going through the motions to say we do something? 

We need these questions to make space whether mentally, physically or emotionally to create change, to see if we are moving through the world through our conditioning or through our intention. I think then we are better able to decide if this is something we want to continue doing or if there is some unlearning that needs to be done, and wheww that is change invoking. 



Are You Doing Your Work?


Rituals in Writing