I Want Everyone to Have….

Tan tile with forest green leaves outlined in opposite corners. Forest green lettering in white circles in the center overlapping. With a white logo in the bottom right corner.

I believe in love (in all its forms). I believe in liberation (for all living beings). And I believe in family (in all its variations). As simple as it seems, it also means I believe everybody should have these three things and should be the only ones to determine what that looks like for themselves. My work in the world is to support the healing process of individuals, organizations and businesses so they can thrive and offer their best selves to the world so we can all benefit.

I once attended a conference as a speaker and there was a woman there in the audience that shared:

“Until I want for myself what I want for my sister, I cannot be healed or whole.”

Tan tile with forest green leaves in opposite corners. Forest green lettering in the center.

I believe liberation is the same way. My thought process and decolonized standpoint is as a Black, woman, Veteran, mother and wife, educated and middle class person in America but part of the global majority, I do not seek or desire to oppress those who have oppressed or whose ancestors have oppressed us, I simply want to be free. And because so many of us have experienced what it feels like to be oppressed in all of its various ways, we would not dare want that for others. This is the thought or basis for my work and how I desire to move through the world, reducing and minimizing as much harm as possible as a decolonized soul.


Remembering Nature When She’s Been Separated From Us


Thank YOU for Honoring What You Need