3 Truths That Affirm My Existence
I absolutely love India Arie and well, everything about her speaks to my soul. So when I read many of her journal entries she used to share before her Songversations, she shared that she went through a lot with her skin and healing and how the public portrayed and treated her. She shared that what was happening to her skin was simply a manifestation of what she was experiencing in life and the industry but she had to get clear with herself. She had to love herself more than anything else and to do that she had to realize she was worthy of love, dignity and respect because she existed. Not because of what she could do for someone else, not because of what she could afford to buy but because she exist. I have carried this within my own heart and soul ever since reading it and it has helped me to realize that even when someone can no longer be a part of my life or this part of my journey they and I are STILL worthy of love.
Resmaa Menakem, author of My Grandmother’s Hands and The Quaking of America and somatic healer shares that “Whiteness has been the standard for which all bodies are measured against. Black people you are not defective.”
Being a yoga teacher, a yoga therapist, herbalist, reiki provider, ayuverdic coach, heck even a mom I am often looked at as a guru or to have the answers for others or let alone myself. Through my healing journey I have
been able to learn and understand that I am not broken. I am not a one-off of unworthiness that is a victim, unwilling, or just hasn’t worked hard enough to be successful in life. I am human. I am a human that has been radicalized as a Blackwoman. I have been gendered as a woman. I am living a human experience that has not been supported and there are systems and institutions that have been created to profit from my unworthiness and belief in not-enough-ness. Unfortunately, so many others who also begin their healing journey turn to these same tools I offer and its teachers disempowered and waiting for someone to “fix” them or just tell them what to do so they can live the life of their dreams or a life void of suffering. YOU, are not broken and in need of fixing.
My Dad still says this one today and it used to irritate me because it was not what I wanted to hear. But what he meant by this is even something that may not be right for you or your journey may be right for someone else. For me and my journey this means I had to learn for myself and for others I hold space for that even if they are committed to an ideology or not that could still be right, for them. I am of the belief, I am not the RIGHT provider for everyone and I really am not trying to be but I am able to share my experiences which may or may not relate to others but I will never know unless I try.
This is for you too! Whether you have clung to indoctrination or identities that serve, served or no longer serve you, only you can determine what your truth is in this moment and if it works for you.